Business Manager / BDM / EA / Sales Associate // Century 21 Team Brockhurst

Shantell Smith

Mobile: 0420 907 185

Call Shantell on 0420 907 185 Arrange an Appraisal Save Contact


Shantell began her career in Real Estate in 2001 straight after graduating high school in South Perth. Shantell entered into an Office Administration Assistant position and obtained her Property Management and Sales Representative qualifications and continued utilising those skills by way of positions held including Office Administrator, Selling PA, Executive Assistant / Personal Assistant, Executive Assistant and Office/Business Manager throughout the years.

Shantell has worked for amazing high-profile Princpals/Directors and Companies, from Independant boutique Real Estate offices to large Franchise offices and has earned herself a fantastic professional reputation throughout the professionals of the industry.

Shantell is also an Award-Winning Perth Marriage Celebrant and has officiated hundreds of weddings since 2012 and continues to officiate marriages on weekends throughout Perth.

Since joining Century 21 Team Brockhurst in November 2019 as Business Manager / EA to Josh Brockhurst, Shantell has been awarded;

* Personal / Sales Assistant award for the 4th QTR in 2020,

* WA Personal / Sales Assistant award for 2020,

* Administration Award 4th QTR in 2021,

* WA Administration Award for 2021,

* Recognition Award 1st QTR 2022,

* Employee of the Month April 2022

* 2022 Recipient of The Century 21 Australasian "Sam Raiti" for Excellence Award

* Recognition Award - 4th QTR 2023

* PA of the Year - 2023

* Top Auction Team - 2023

* PA of the 1st QTR - 2024

* WA 4th QTR Leadership Award 2024

Shantell was also invited in July 2022 to the Century 21 Engage Australasia 2022 Convention on the Sunshine Coast as a Guest / Keynote Speaker to deliver a presentation / Q&A session as the Master Administrator and looks forward to a bright and successful future under a great brand surrounded by the great team. Shantell also completed her Diploma of Real Estate (Agency Management in 2022 and completed her Cert 4 in Real Estate Practices in 2024 and now holds her Triennial / Licensee License.

Marriage Celebrant

Shantell is also an Award winning Perth Marriage Celebrant since 2012 and has officiated over 250 Marriage ceremonies.



I highly recommend Shantell. She is extremely knowledgeable, attentive, and made sure to understand exactly what I needed. Her negotiation skills were excellent, allowing me to get a fantastic deal. I highly recommend her to anyone thinking about buying or selling a home!

- Sandeep (Buyer)